If beans are within 2 weeks from the roasting day, store them in an air-tight container at room temperature or in a cool and dark space.
We recommend storing them in the fridge or freezer for a long period.
Be sure to use an airtight and opaque container since beans will absorb aromas and moisture.
The advantage of a hand grinder is its affordable price.
You can also enjoy your coffee time while you’re grinding beans.The disadvantage is that it’s time consuming.
The advantage of an electric grinder is that it’s easy and convenient.It is good for people who drink coffee with family everyday or have busy mornings.
The disadvantage is that it’s loud and requires outlets.
We recommend grinders that have a grind setting dial for setting ground levels.
For espresso: fine grind
Espresso machines use pressure to brew so if it’s too coarse it makes espresso taste weak.
For paper filter: medium grind
Medium is basic but you can adjust it based on your preference and make your own recipe.Generally fine grind is over extracted and coarse grind is under extracted.
For metal filter: coarse grind
The mesh of the filter is coarse so if the grind is too fine it will leave fine powder in the cup.
The gas inside of beans makes coffee expand and as your coffee grounds expel gas.
At our shop, the coffee expands well because we grind beans right before making a pour over.Storing ground coffee or using old beans can cause this problem.
Dark roast beans are more likely to expand since they have more gas than light roast beans.
We recommend around 90℃ water.Brewing time should be from 1:30 - 2:00.
If you start with 90℃ water, the water will be around 65 - 70 ℃ and that’s a good temperature for coffee.