Brew guide

Place a paper filter in the dripper, add medium-ground coffee, and gently shake it to level the surface of the grounds. (For one cup/ 14g of coffee, 210cc of hot water)

Pour water equal to twice the weight of the coffee grounds (90℃) over the coffee in spirals and let it bloom for a minute.

After the bloom, use the remaining water in 2-3 separate pours.

A good brewing time should be within 2 minutes. Once all the water finishes dripping through, it’s ready to drink!
AreroPress brew guide
Place a paper or stainless steel filter in the cap.
Use hot water to wet the filter and cap. This also gets rid of the paper taste.
Attach the cap securely to the bottom of the chamber and place it over a server or mug.
Add 17-19g of medium-fine-ground coffee and pour 180cc of 90℃ water. For stronger flavor, add more coffee and for a brighter acidity, reduce coffee.
Wait 20 seconds and stir grounds for 10 seconds with the paddle. You can also let it sit for a minute depending on your preference.
Insert plunger and press gently for 20-30 seconds and it’s ready to drink!
For Espresso Taste
Same method as above but use 20-22g of turkish-ground coffee and 80cc of water.